Thursday 26 June 2008

Snow Patrol Begin Work On Next Album

Snow Patrol are working on the follow-up to their 2006 album 'Eyes Open', says frontman Gary Lightbody.

The singer says of the fifth album, "The first week is behind us and things are going great. Some loveliness is happening and it's very exciting to hear songs I've been demoing over the last year or more spring to noise-covered life."

Lightbody then went on to describe the location where writing was held: "We are in the depths of Ireland living in a little house by a lake making guitar shaped noise by day and making guitar shaped pasta by night. As the sun goes down the bats come out."

"We've now moved away from the bats and frogs (oh there were frogs too, a stagnant swimming pool saw to that, frogs are marvellous, we made them ramps to get in and out of the receding water in the filthy pool) to right bang in the geographical centre of the island of Ireland to start the album."

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